Ordinary Council Meeting

Past Event

Members of the public are welcome to attend Council meetings as observers or to comment on matters before the meeting.

General information 

You can come and go from the meeting whenever you wish.

If you have any questions prior to the meeting, please do not hesitate to contact the Shire.


You can follow the progress of the meeting and items being discussed by referring to the Agenda provided for the public at the meeting.

Should you require information prior to the meeting, agendas are available for perusal at the Administration Building from 4.00pm on the Friday preceding the meeting. 

 Past Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Important Information

If interested persons would like to make comment on any item in the meeting Agenda, please email records@dardanup.wa.gov.au or hand deliver written comment to;

Shire of Dardanup
Administration Centre – Eaton
1 Council Drive
Eaton WA 6232

To be included in the meeting, comments are to be delivered no later than 48 hours prior to the meeting.

The Chief Executive Officer will use his discretion as to whether the written comments are relevant and applicable before approving their inclusion in the meeting.

About Council Meetings » Shire of Dardanup

Event Details

Time: 5:00 PM

Location: Council Chambers - Shire of Dardanup Administration Centre - 1 Council Drive, Eaton

Category: General

Type: General

Audience: All Ages

Event Date(s)

  • Wednesday 28th June 2023
  • Wednesday 26th July 2023
  • Wednesday 23rd August 2023
  • Wednesday 27th September 2023
  • Wednesday 25th October 2023
  • Wednesday 22nd November 2023
  • Wednesday 13th December 2023

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