Youth Membership

Build healthy habits for life

Youth memberships encourage fitness and healthy habits in a controlled environment, ensuring the safety of growing minds and bodies whilst also developing independence in the gym.  Available for 14 – 15 year olds.

Eaton Recreation Centre is for everyone, and we’d love nothing more than to help you make positive changes in your strength and general wellbeing.

Youth memberships include:

  • Gym access during staffed hours

    • Mon – Thurs:  5.30am – 10.30am and 3.00pm- 7.00pm*
    • Fri: 5.30am – 10.30pm*
    • Sat 8.00am – 10.30am

              *Except normal school hours

  • Access to all Teenfit, Mind & Body and Cardio classes
  • Health assessment
  • Custom gym program
  • Unlimited membership suspensions

    Membership Fees

    Pay as you go
    Per session *As per youth timetable $12.00
    10 Pass $99.00
    Direct Debit
    Per fortnight       $29.00

    No lock in contract term - 4 week cancellation period applies

    Start up Fee - $39.00

    What other conditions apply to the Youth Membership?

    • Proof of age is required eg. birth certificate, student card
    • Parent/Guardian must attend the sign-up appointment and also the induction
    • A pre-exercise questionnaire is compulsory and must be completed at the time of sign up
    • Initial appraisal and technique session is compulsory.  Gym access band cannot be issued until these have been completed.
    • Our Trainers will be contacting Youth Members every 8 weeks to arrange a “catch up” appointment where their workout program may be reviewed.
    • Youth members will be required to wear their access band at all times when in the gym.
    • Youth members must vacate the gym by the times specified above
    • Certain gym equipment is not “youth friendly” and will be off limits in the gym unless under direct supervision of a trainer eg. Bench presses and racks, Olympic bars, Dumbbells and weight plates heavier than 10kg
    • Access outside of staffed hours will only be approved if with a parent or guardian who is also a current member of the gym at Eaton Recreation Centre. Responsible person must be named and approved prior to entry of youth member. Door entries will be audited to confirm compliance.


    Can I access the classes and Teenfit sessions before I have my initial appointment with a Trainer? 

    Definitely, we want to get you training as soon as possible.  You will need to check it at reception as normal and if your class is in the gym (eg. RPM or teenfit) a staff member will let you in until such time as you get your access band.

    Why can’t Youth members have unlimited access?  

    This is purely for safety reasons.  Young, growing bodies should not be lifting heavy weights as this can cause injury and damage to bone growth plates.  This is why we restrict your access to when our gym is staffed by qualified trainers. At this age, young gym users need to be closely guided and monitored by Trainers who are educated in child/teen fitness prescription.

    How do I sign-up for a Youth Membership?

    Please phone 9724 0400 to arrange an appointment with a membership officer, or you can sign up online below. Please note you will still need to attend with a parent for your induction in to our gym.

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