This workout is designed to engage various muscle groups simultaneously, helping you sculpt your entire body. The use of light weights and high repetitions in BODYPUMP sessions is ideal for improving your overall strength and endurance, offering a comprehensive fitness experience. The benefits of BODYPUMP go beyond just physical appearance. By engaging in this workout, you not only burn calories and tone your muscles but also strengthen your core for better posture and balance, and improve your bone and muscle health to live happier and healthier.

Key Benefits

  • Full body workout
  • Build muscle and increase strength
  • Improve cardiovascular and muscular endurance

First class?

  • Arrive 5 minutes early to set up your equipment and meet your instructor
  • Common equipment needed: Step, mat, barbell, weight plates
  • Wear appropriate clothing and enclosed shoes
  • Bring a towel and water bottle
  • Be ready to have some fun!